:- Such type of dyes is suitable for cellulosic materials and dyeing cotton. This type of dyes possesses significantly higher fixation and exhaustion efficiency, which results in high reduction in cost, when compared to conventional reactive dyes. Good build up and high fixation is of particular importance when dyeing cellulosic blends/polyester. The exhaustion of these dyes can be controlled with specific temperature and salt addition in order to give level dyeing, before Alkali is added.

Following are some of the useful features of these dyes:-

i). They are widely used on piece material, yarn, garments and loose stock.

ii). Possesses high fixation, which is of great significance for dyeing cellulosic blend when liquor/polyester/good ratio is quite high.

iii0. Offers excellent reproducibility and wide choice of equipment to suit specific particular application.

iv). Have excellent build-up both in high and low liquor: goods ratio.

v). They are applicable at 80oC.
